
We’re delighted to present a series of free audiobooks of work by Edwardian satirists E F Benson and Saki (H H Munro), ready by Richard Crowest. Richard’s readings have won praise from around the world, and he’s regularly in demand as a reader for organisations such as the National Trust and the E F Benson Society.

The Ghost Stories of E F Benson, read by Richard Crowest
The Square Egg, by Saki, ready by Richard Crowest
The Toys of Peace, by Saki, read by Richard Crowest

Reginald in Russia, by Saki, read by Richard Crowest

Reginald, by Saki, read by Richard Crowest

Beast and Super-Beasts, by Saki, read by Richard Crowest

The Chronicles of Clovis by Saki, read by Richard Crowest


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